Under The Dome Final Thoughts

Now that I have finished Under The Dome and had some time to think about it I thought I would write a short post talking about the audio book.

Under The Dome is about people and how something tragic can cause people to turn into figurative monsters. It’s also the story of how a leader can use fear to control people. Can you say post 9/11 politics?

At over 40 hours the audiobook is long. In fact it would take almost a month and a half of listening during my commute to and from work to get through the whole book. Thankfully I had a fourteen hour business related drive that let me get through a large chunk of the book.

Under The Dome is a great introduction to audiobooks because it begins with such a bang. Literally a plane crash. And the story is great! It is extremely entertaining and easy to listen to while operating a car.

I highly recommend the Under The Dome audiobook and can’t wait to watch the mini-series later this year.

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